Liege Hospital is Bombed

On the fateful morning of 24 November 1944, the 15th General Hospital in Liege was hit by a V-1 buzz bomb, that found its mark in front of the Pharmacy building.  Sixteen lives of nurses, [...]

The 509th Enters Belgium

Peter and Company C enter Belgium and are stationed in the city of Liege. Liberated just days before they arrived, Monfre’s company had their hands full with duties in Liege and the city was also [...]

Meeting the Stars!

The 509th MPs were assigned the job of providing an escort for actress Dinah Shore & actor Edward G. Robinson, who were entertaining the GIs at various stops in France. When Robinson [...]

Regrouping in Northern France

Peter and his fellow soldiers leave Paris after one week and travel 80 miles Northwest to Ham, France.  They will spend the next 10 days in Ham, cleaning all their equipment, training, and [...]

Peter Heads to Paris

Company C is sent to Paris and is assigned traffic control duties outside right outside of Paris in Saint Germain.  They will spend six days in Paris, a city alive in celebration, having only [...]

Operation Cobra

The Allies’ created a plan to break out of Normandy called Operation Cobra, which included increased bombings from the air mixed with a more concentrated front. The Allies were struggling to [...]

Policing in Normandy

For the next two months, Company C will be in charge of directing traffic and keeping order in towns throughout Manche and Calvados.  This included policing recently destroyed cities as well as [...]

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