
USS Champlin Participates in Invasion of Sicily


Operation Husky begins on July 10th with an Allied army amphibious landing.  The USS Champlin participates in the battle, acting as a screen and in firing support of the invading troops on Beach Yellow Two.  The Champlin begins firing on the beaches at 04:00 on July 10th, firing 32 rounds.  They are attacked by enemy planes at 05:13 and successfully fight them off with 40mm and 20mm guns for the next hour, watching one of the planes crash as it retreated.

At 06:24, the Champlin receives orders to bombard another area of the beach and change course.  Shortly after 12:00, they begin bombarding the village of Camerina from 9,600 yards away.  At 13:59 they are notified that the “Target has surrendered.”

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